Learning based on the STEM model and the key of metacognition





STEM education, metacognition, teaching-learning process, educational strategies


This work deals with how, over the last few years, educational research has contributed to changing the perspective of teaching-learning. To this aim, the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes are studied, making an epistemological approach to the way in which people learn and how methods, procedures and didactic techniques should be adapted accordingly. Intelligence is conceptualized on the basis of the research carried out in recent years, as well as new forms of teaching-learning based on the STEM model (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as a way of integrating these learning areas in an eminently practical way, centered on the experience of teachers and learners, displacing the mere acquisition of knowledge. All this is framed within a metacognitive learning process whose purpose is that the student learns to learn, integrating aspects such as significant learning, metamemory, metacomprehension, meta-reading and meta-writing. The type of learning and skills needed for the future is unknown, which makes it necessary to continuously reflect on the contents and methodologies of learning, an aspect that involves a curricular and methodological change that takes into account different learning contexts and models.


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Author Biographies

José Manuel Bautista-Vallejo, Universidad de Huelva

Departamento de Pedagogía

Profesor Titular de Universidad

Rafael Manuel Hernández-Carrera, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Profesor Asociado


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How to Cite

Bautista-Vallejo, J. M., & Hernández-Carrera, R. M. (2020). Learning based on the STEM model and the key of metacognition. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 6(1), 14–25. https://doi.org/10.24310/innoeduca.2020.v6i1.6719


