Andean Gold for an Andalusian Engraving: about the Painting of Our Lady of the Victory of Malaga in the Denver Art Museum


  • José Ignacio Mayorga Chamorro Universidad de Málaga Spain



Art History, Iconography, Arts of the Spanish Americas, Painting, Our Lady of the Victory, Malaga, Luis Niño


The Denver Art Museum holds an anonymous Andean canvas depicting Our Lady of Victory, patron saint of the city of Malaga and its diocese. As an exceptional case study, it is worth asking: how, when and for what reasons did this devotion reach the Viceroyalty of Peru? The possible answers to these questions will help us to understand some of the foundational attempts of the Order of Minims in Lima at the end of the 17th century. An engraving from 1688 is also proposed as a possible reference for this work, although it was executed according to the tastes, forms and technical procedures used in its context. New interpretations are offered for several elements of the image, particularly the partially preserved lower scenes. The traditional attribution of authorship to the painter Luis Niño is also questioned


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Author Biography

José Ignacio Mayorga Chamorro, Universidad de Málaga

Departamento de Historia del Arte. Profesor Sustituto Interino.


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How to Cite

Mayorga Chamorro, J. I. (2024). Andean Gold for an Andalusian Engraving: about the Painting of Our Lady of the Victory of Malaga in the Denver Art Museum. Boletín De Arte, (46), 93–104.



Research Paper